Dead Northern Festival News and Reviews Reviews

2023 Festival Review – How to Kill Monsters

Jamie Lancaster (Lyndsey Craine) stands bloodied, wielding a chainsaw, surrounded by the gory remains of her friends, before Britain’s take on Gale Weathers enters the frame describing the treacherous crime scene as Jamie is escorted away by police. However, this conclusion is far from over as we learn what really happened that one fateful night, as Jamie joins forces at the station with crooks and officers to fight off a motley crew of bloodthirsty brutes. 

Stewart Sparke’s How to Kill Monsters is a genre busting exploration into monstrous frights as the film takes on a slew of creatures, fanged beasts, and evil mogwai-like savages. Combine this with the throwback vibes to classic 1980s horror that we all know and love (Gremlins, The Thing and Evil Dead 2 to name a few), How to Kill Monsters is a bona-fide must-see for any thrill seeker desperate for a bloodied, hilarious dash of monster madness. 

Taking centre stage is the immense practical effects that would make the likes of Tom Savini proud as each and every inch of the lovecraft-esque creatures are made with old school tender, love and carnage as Sparke utilises specially crafted miniatures and meticulously crafted puppetry to bring the entire film to life.

Complimenting the immersive visuals is the fantastic performances from all, with each character adding an individual flair to the story. Special praise has to be applied to the one and only Jamie Lancaster, played by Britain’s own scream queen, Lyndsey Craine. Sparke and Craine have been collaborating for years, with a particular mention owed to the award winning splatter fest, Book of Monsters(2018). With the duo growing together as creative minds over the years, How to Kill Monsters is a bespoke feature with story beats that feels incredibly natural and despite the fanasticallity. 

Seconding the warmth that the film emits is the quick witted self-reflexivity that runs concurrently with the narrative. Each scene is basked in laugh out loud meta-humour that makes for an entertaining ride from start to finish, with the jokes-a-minute approach giving the likes of Scream, The Cabin in the Woods and Return to Horror High a run for their money. 

How to Kill Monsters is a must-see tale of the unexpected, with every act bashing apart any form of predictability, ultimately making for one hell of a gnarly ride!

Check out the full festival programme and get your tickets here!!

Dead Northern Festival News and Reviews Reviews

Dead Northern 2022 Festival Review – Eating Miss Campbell

Beth Conner (Lyndsey Craine), a vegan-goth student falls in love with her English teacher Miss Campbell (Lala Barlow), and soon develops a forbidden taste for human flesh. 

Backed by Troma Entertainment’s Lloyd Kaufman and Michael Herz is Eating Miss Campbell (2022), starring Lyndsey Craine, Lala Barlow, Vito Trigo, James Hamar-Morton, Charlie Bond, Emily Haigh, Annabella Rich, Dani Thompson, and Laurence R. Harvey, with a cameo from Kaufman himself. 

The film takes the likes of high school hierarchy flicks such as Heathers (1988) and Tragedy Girls (2017), adds a dose of epic lunacy made notorious by Troma classics, coupled with a whopping punch of cannibalism, adolescent suicide, mass violence, and an infectious sense of daring humour.

The Yorkshire born and bred Liam Regan grabbed the horror world by the horns with his full-length feature debut My Bloody Banjo (2015), chronicling a bullied desk worker on his revenge seeking mission. The film was met with beloved reactions by those brave enough to sit through the bloody spectacle which saw acts of brutality be taken to another level, even garnering enough attention to be shown at the Cannes Film Festival in 2015, as well as having its world premiere at the one and only FrightFest. However, although horror fans take this as a stern compliment, the film was at first rejected by iTunes and Walmart due to its ferocity. This badge of honour only pushed Regan to continue his filmmaking pursuit with the upcoming classic that is Eating Miss Campbell, which has no qualms in pushing the viewer through an intense roller coaster where the maximalist approach is at full blast the entire time. 

The kinetically charged feast goes through its leaps and bounds against the backdrop of Beth’s turbulent journey of a more-than-forbidden romance story, all the whilst juggling her rambunctiously vicious parents, the coven-like mean girls at school, and a multitude of perverted ‘associates’. It’s this audacious cacophony of themes and events that truly places Eating Miss Campbell as a mighty force, with no controversial matter too dark to explore. Censorship may seem like a bygone past time, but the current consensus is far from being fully expressive, at times it seems that filmmaking freedom is near impossible. Troma films have always aimed to displease, shock even, and without being a carbon copy or testing for the sake of it, Regan puts up a valiant fight to keep the film down there with the most gnarliest, loathsome, and most importantly compelling horrors that tackles and triggers as much as it can. 

As established, the zealous gumption really is a sight for sore eyes, but just as stellar as the fruitful narrative are the performances, setting, and effects that all render together to create a mini universe so out of bounds and unique to the film. Lyndsey Craine sealed her status as an upcoming scream queen through her powerful performances in Book of Monsters (2018) and Zomblogalypse (2021), and with Eating Miss Campbell, it seems that her horror heroine capabilities are only on the rise. The character of Beth Conner is so enriched in meticulous sarcasm and a sense of clever wickedness, especially when it comes to her sharp tongue lashing out the most hilarious insults you’ll ever hear. Craine’s ability to nail the razor edged persona is a standout feat, and joining her on the performance path is every single other character, whether that be the fiery role of Miss Campbell herself (Lala Barlow), or the beyond creepy (and deadly inappropriate) teacher Clyde Toulon, played by Laurence R. Harvey, who many fans will recognise as the barbaric antagonist in The Human Centipede 2 (2011). 

Eating Miss Campbell is a stroke of much-needed absurd darkness amidst all the socially conscious films entering the market. Still, Regan’s enigmatic efforts in creating a boisterous display are not without its depth. In fact, underneath the veil of obscurity is a witty subtext that uses a brave and bashful temperament to comment upon the dramaticness seen within educational settings, which ranges from the brave but truthful idolism of school shootings, the influx in assault, and the arising generational divide pitting misaligned toxicity against one another. The sheer audacity of topics is a mouthful, but for hungry audiences with an appetite for contentious dispositions, Eating Miss Campbell is a dream! 

Check out the film and much more at this years festival, tickets here